With everyday business activities relying heavily on network and online connectivity, the importance of a dependable IT security provider is crucial.

Clear dimension provides your business with the IT protection it needs. With a range of services and solutions at your fingertips, spanning from Cyber Security Products and Anti Virus software for businesses, to end point security and physical security, you can rest assured that with Clear Dimension as your shield, your network will be protected from a wide range of attacks.

We offer the following IT security solutions:


Access Data

Over 130,000 users in corporations, law enforcement, government agencies, and law firms around the world rely on Access Data solutions for digital forensics, e-Discovery and litigation support.

ReaQta: End Point Security

ReaQta-core is an endpoint protection system that works by deploying an agent on endpoints and servers. The installation process is painless and on big infrastructures it can be easily scheduled using Active Directory’s Group Policy Objects. After policy’s execution your computers will be immediately ready and protected. .


Solar Winds

SolarWinds award winning network monitoring software allows you to quickly detect, diagnose and resolve network performance issues and outages so you can spend more time managing your network instead of your network management software.